Test Your Times Tables Up To 12
Welcome to our times table test! This interactive webpage is designed to help you practice and improve your multiplication skills up to the 12 times table.
Read moreWelcome to our times table test! This interactive webpage is designed to help you practice and improve your multiplication skills up to the 12 times table.
Read moreIf you are anything like me you wish your teachers had done a better job of teaching you when you were in school. Or maybe the truth is that they were doing their best and you were just too busy getting up to mischief to realise that they were teaching you really useful things. Either way, whether you were the […]
Read moreThere are few branches of maths as awe-inspiring as fractals. Fractals are those never ending patterns where a small part is representative of the whole. The deeper you delve into a fractal the more you realise that you have only just begun and have not even scratched the surface. One such fractal is the Sierpinski Triangle. Look at the animation […]
Read moreEver since the ancient greeks discovered that some numbers can’t be equally divided by anything other than 1 and themselves, the hunt for bigger and bigger prime numbers has been on. This has, over the millennia, transformed into one of the most bizarre mathematical dick measuring contests the world has ever seen. Most recently a bunch of geeks called GIMPS […]
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