Got gaps in your logbook? Want a free way to summarise you Google Timeline data? This tool is for you. Just drag your daily KML downloads from Google Maps into the box above and Get a report of all your trips. You will also get a report of how long you spent at each destination. Perfect for if you bill your client for time.
FREE KML to GeoJSON Converter
Looking for a quick and easy KML to GeoJSON converter? Our web app offers a seamless experience. Whether you’re a GIS expert or just need to convert a single file, our tool is designed to meet all your needs.
HTML / CSS / Javascript combiner
As tinkerers, we often find ourselves juggling multiple files and references. While modular code is a best practice, there are moments when having a combined, self-contained HTML file can be beneficial.
YouTube Thumbnail GRABBER
Ever wanted to get a the link to a YouTube thumbnail? Just paste the video URL into this sheet and download the thumbnail directly.
AutoDesk Inventor – Restructure Files In An Assembly with iLogic
Hello fellow CAD enthusiasts! Ever grappled with the challenge of having generic or meaningless component names within your Autodesk Inventor assembly? Picture importing a model, […]
AutoDesk Inventor – Batch RENAMING COMPONENTS IN THE BROWSER with iLogic
Hello fellow CAD enthusiasts! Ever been daunted by the mismatch between your file names and display names in Autodesk Inventor? If you’ve renamed a batch […]
Test Your Times Tables Up To 12
Welcome to our times table test! This interactive webpage is designed to help you practice and improve your multiplication skills up to the 12 times table.
Capital Gains Tax Calculator
Introducing our Capital Gains Tax Calculator, a powerful tool to help you calculate the capital gains tax on your investments in South Africa. This calculator […]
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FREE Geolocation Combiner
Got gaps in your logbook? Want a free way to summarise you Google Timeline data? This tool is for you. Just drag your daily KML downloads from Google Maps into the box above and Get a report of all your trips. You will also get a report of how long you spent at each destination. Perfect for if you bill your client for time.